Simon Koh
“ I have been consuming 2 tablets of OSTEOACTIV 3-in-1 Joint Formula Tablet every day. I have been having knees issues and after consuming OSTEOACTIV over a prolonged period, my knee joints and mobility are getting better which thus improve my sports performance. I strongly recommend people who are above 40 and still actively doing sports to consume this product as I have seen a major improvement in my quality of life. "
- Simon Koh -
Head Coach, Aspire Badminton Centre
Cedric Tan
“ I have received a bottle of OSTEOACTIV tablets from a friend and have been consuming them since June this year. It is now August and my sports performance have been improving since then. I strongly recommend people who are doing sports to give it a chance and see a vast improvement in their performance! “
- Cedric -
Badminton Coach, Singapore
“ I enjoyed running every evening and hiking during the weekend. The pain got so severe that I have to stop these activities. The pharmacist explained to me that my knee pain was due that the cartilage has been worn-off due to my choice of exercise. She then introduced me to CS b-Bioactive® and OptiMSM®, once-a-day powder as I don’t like taking pills a few times daily. I started to feel significant pain relief from the 3rd month and has continue taking since. I’m glad that I can now resume my running and hiking as before. ”
- Wang -
52 year old, Melaka
“ I am physically active and loved to exercise whenever and wherever I can. However, I no longer enjoy yoga and muscle toning exercise like deep squat and bicycle crunch like i used to. My joints are giving me signals and my movements are no longer as smooth. There were “knocking” sound from the knee, especially with movements like squat exercise. I decided to give CS b-Bioactive® and OptiMSM® triple action a try as it can relieve joint pain. I have less weird “knocking” sound from my knee and can now resume my exercise after 3 weeks of consumption. ”
- Meonne -
30 years old, Kuala Lumpur
“ I suffered chronic knee pain for the past 10 years. The pain was unbearable, intense and affected my life as a hawker which requires me to stand 12 hours a day. My pharmacist introduced me to CS b-Bioactive® and OptiMSM®. After taking for 3 months, the pain has been greatly reduced. I have been taking for almost 3 years and the pain has gone and I can move about easily. ”
- Lee -
73 years old, Penang